Press releases
Federal Council initiates consultation on changing the FATCA model
During its meeting on 7 March 2025, the Federal Council opened the consultation on a new FATCA Agreement. In the future, Switzerland should no longer provide information on financial accounts to the United States on a unilateral basis, but instead also receive information from the United States as part of an automatic exchange of information. The consultation lasts until 14 June 2025.
Federal President Karin Keller-Sutter to attend G20 Finance Ministers Meeting in Cape Town
On 26 and 27 February 2025, Federal President Karin Keller-Sutter, accompanied by SNB Chairman Martin Schlegel, will attend the first meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors under the South African presidency. Switzerland will emphasise the importance of sustainable debt for international stability and advocate a level playing field for all countries with respect to the taxation of multinational enterprises.
Federal Council adopts dispatch on extending international automatic exchange of information in tax matters
During its meeting on 19 February 2025, the Federal Council submitted to Parliament the dispatch on extending the international automatic exchange of information in tax matters (AEOI). Set to apply from 1 January 2026, the extension concerns the new AEOI concerning cryptoassets and the amendment of the standard for the automatic exchange of financial account information.
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